Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Cast of Characters

Hello.  I figured the first post should be a bit of an introduction to who you could be hearing about.  I am a 40 something self employed accountant married to a wonderful man who is very understanding about my love for animals.  We currently have two dogs and two cats in our home.

Dog #1 is Riley.  Riley is a five year old size extra large black labrador.  He is a wonderful goofy dog that also has a super intense competitive side that thankfully we have trained to be mostly in control.  He was a laid back easy going puppy that turned into a barking, lunging hard to handle teenage dog at about a year and a half.  "They" say we always get the dog we need and in our case it is very true.  It opened up a world of dog training and new friends that was the project I needed in my life at that time.  I continue to learn every day and am proud to say that we have achieved our Rally Advanced Title this spring and Riley is considered an example and often asked to walk with reactive dogs in our dog classes.

Dog #2 is our new vizsla puppy Stella (Varazs Kedvesem Final Dance).  She was born May 31 and came home to us at the age of ten weeks on August 10.  She has fit into our home wonderfully with her crazy puppy antics and happy personality.   I am training her with positive methods and hope to eventually do competition obedience and agility with her and possible tracking.

We also have two cats in our home.  Fred is a nine year old Maine Coone mix that is more dog than cat.  Desi is a eleven year old tortie that is pure cat.  Life is under her terms :o).  Both cats are adapting to a new puppy.  Fred is doing quite well until the pup starts racing around and Desi is keeping her distance unless the puppy is sleeping.  We went through the same thing when Riley was a pup so I am confident that all will work out well.



and last but definately not least was Lucy.  Lucy was our 14.5 year old yellow labrador that we said goodbye to last summer.  She is forever in our hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Blogging!! Can't wait to read more about Stella's life with you, Riley & the cats! Big, big hugs to Stella!!!xxxxx

    Sylvia (Stella's breeder)
    Varazs Perm. Reg'd Vizslas
